Black seed oil

The history of the use of black caraway seed oil in traditional medicine in Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East more than 3,000 years. About the amazing healing properties of black cumin oil mentioned in their medical treatises famous Hippocrates and the ancient Greek pharmacologist Dioscorides. Inhabitants of ancient Egyptian black cumin oil is used as a natural cosmetic product and as part of an antidote for snake bites, as well as eaten this useful plant product to improve digestion, to get rid of helminthes, to improve the work of the liver, lungs and kidneys. The most popular in the ancient oriental medicine, black cumin oil obtained through reference to it in the Sunnah (Prophet Muhammad black cumin oil has been called "a means of all diseases except death"), as well as by the glorification of this natural product in the scientific writings Avicenna, who argued that the black cumin helps a person to not only fight diseases but also contributes to the "vitality", overcoming fatigue and overwork.
Most a qualitative black cumin oil, containing in its composition the maximum amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances produced by cold pressing (pressing) of black cumin of seeds. Raw materials for the production of oil of black cumin grown in ecologically clean regions without the use of during cultivation no harmful to human health of chemicals.
Has a high nutritional and biological value of black cumin oil contains in its composition of more than 100 different components, 50 of which are catalysts of metabolic processes occurring in the human body: unsaturated fatty acids and a lot of amino acids, beneficial for the growth and renewal of cells; It contains arginine required for the growth of children; includes vitamin A, it is known to increase resistance to cancer. Containing potassium and calcium, and vitamin E in large quantity, the oil that gives an important role in the stimulation of the immune system and updating the cells of the organism. Regular use of oil is considered to be an effective treatment in the case of insomnia, at stress and lack of sleep, and also slows the aging process; it is used as a remedy for headaches and high blood pressure.

Regular consumption of black cumin seed oil is recommended:
• Patients with diabetes (in the oil of black cumin include substances that regulate the level of sugar in the blood and participate in the natural synthesis of insulin (among such substances - vitamins A, E, D, B1, B3, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, selenium, and some amino acids)
• People with obesity (contained in the oil of black cumin polyunsaturated Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids and other biochemical components of the plant product actively contribute to the improvement of lipid metabolism. That is why the beauty of ancient Egypt used in food black seed oil to preserve a slim figure)
• Women during breastfeeding (black cumin oil with regular use in food significantly strengthens lactation - the process of formation and accumulation of milk in the mammary gland of lactating women. In addition, the lubrication oil of black cumin cracked nipples produced during breastfeeding helps their effective and quick healing).
• Respiratory diseases (has antipyretic, expectorant and bronchodilator effect, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and antiviral properties of black cumin oil for internal and external application is very effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma, seasonal allergies, pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis ARI, and can also bring tangible benefits in the treatment of cough associated with respiratory diseases).
• At diseases of the female and male reproductive systems. Contained in black cumin oil vitamins A and E, phytosterols, zinc, manganese and selenium in a complex actively contribute to the libido and potency, normalize testosterone positively influence the process of spermatogenesis (help increase sperm count and improve their mobility, improve the quality of sperm) and improve blood flow to male genital organs and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in them. In this regard, black cumin oil is recommended regularly eat at erectile dysfunction, varicocele, prostatitis, prostate cancer, male infertility. Beneficial effect black seed oil the functional state of the female genitalia. Included in the product of vegetable estrogen phytosterols, vitamins E and group B, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids help restore the optimal hormonal balance in women, as well as prevent the development of tumors and inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. That is why the introduction of the diet of black caraway seed oil can benefit in the menstrual cycle, female infertility, mastitis, as well as in a number of inflammatory and infectious diseases and cancer of the female reproductive system.
• In diseases of the urinary system (has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of black cumin oil is very effective in the prevention and in the complex treatment of urolithiasis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and other diseases of the excretory system)
• To improve memory and functioning of the nervous system, to improve mental and physical performance (black seed oil is rich in phospholipids, zinc, vitamins B, improves brain function and nervous system, and also contains in its composition vitamin E, phosphorus and calcium, necessary for normal functioning of the muscles).
• To strengthen the immune system, for the prevention of cancer. Antioxidant-rich black seed oil stimulates the activity of the thymus gland - lymphoid organ, is "responsible" for the immune defenses of the human body. Also, scientists have found that the regular consumption of black cumin oil is largely improves the functional state of the bone marrow. This fact determines the usefulness of black caraway seed oil in the diet of patients with leukemia (blood cancer).

For external use black cumin oil is most effective when:
• Skin diseases (rendering the skin bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal and anti-allergic effect of black seed oil is effective in treating acne, fungal skin diseases, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, warts, herpes zoster and other dermatoses).
• Accompanied by pain syndrome diseases of muscles and joints
• Diseases of the ear and rhinitis (runny nose)
• Hemorrhoids

For external use black cumin oil has the following cosmetic effects:
• Softens, refreshes and tones the skin, improves its structure and topography, protects the skin from drying and flaking (included in the black seed oil unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and B3 support optimal water-lipid balance of the skin)
• Helps to smooth out wrinkles, improves skin elasticity and helps to eliminate stretch marks, often resulting in women after childbirth (contained in the oil of black cumin vitamins A, C, zinc and copper stimulate the natural production of fibrillar collagen protein, gives the skin elasticity and firmness)
• Prevents premature aging of the skin associated with excessive exposure to sunlight on the skin, or characteristic of menopause hormonal imbalances (a part of the black caraway seed oil Vitamin E neutralizes the negative effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, and phytosterols replenish estrogen deficiency in women).
• Effectively cleanses the skin of impurities, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, prevents skin inflammation and the appearance of acne (present in black seed oil phytosterols, omega-6 and omega-9 acids, tannins, zinc and manganese have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect skin, zinc helps to narrow the pores and reduces the production of sebum)
• Eliminates swelling of the skin, prevents the appearance of cellulite, normalizing blood and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous fat layer.
• It improves the condition of hair and scalp (rich in essential for healthy hair vitamins Groups B, macro-and micronutrients black seed oil prevents the development of seborrhea and the associated disease dandruff, prevents hair loss, brittle and graying hair)